Quick Tips

6. Cheat when you need to, but don’t let it turn into a pattern.

I’m a great believer that no one is perfect and sometimes we will want to have a piece of that creamy birthday cake or a handful of those cheesy corn chips.

What I want you to remember is that sometimes you need to “cheat,” and in the right context, cheating can even be healthy – for your mental health, that is. If you do cheat or treat yourself don’t dwell on it and don’t let that nagging voice in your head convince you that there’s no turning back.  Have it and move on, get back to your plan, get back to being focused on your journey.

It’s normal to cheat or treat yourself, however, not letting it hold you back or give up is not normal, it’s a pattern you have developed to allow you to give in or give up and let yourself down.

Part of the Get Focused Series. Check out the podcast here